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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 New ideas

Throw off hindrances from the past, use this freed-up mental energy to begin new projects and develop a more creative approach. Don't be afraid to start afresh in personal relationships, revive friendships instead and rid yourself of long-standing encumbrances. This may cause some confusion at first but eventually pays off, your inner sense of calm helps.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Stubbornness

You achieve so much, yet are less satisfied than ever. Thinking you’re able to progress further by using determination and force, you jeopardize previous success and upset your composure. Take a step back, regain your self-control, what seemed an insurmountable problem is easily resolved when you're not so intent on bulldozing your way through it.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Strengths and weaknesses

Behaving in a truly impulsive and erratic way leads to conflict, rather than creating any worthwhile success. Be more conscious both of your strengths and weaknesses and don’t confuse issues by playing one off against the other. Reconcile yourself to both extremes, so those around you come to appreciate you as a much more meaningful person.